Friday, June 10, 2005

Birthday's coming up, that sucks.

Sunday is my birthday. I'm turning 30. The big 3-0

Oh boy.

It's not that I hate birthdays, I just hate the fact that I won't be able to spend it with my son. I guess I'm depressed. But why? Easy, I have no doubt, that not a single family member will remember my birthday.

I figure my friends will, and now that I've posted this, Hester will definitely remember, but family, no fucking way.

How sad is that?

BG and a friend I'll call Cowgirl recommended that I tell everyone I know. Don't really want to. Seems like stuff I did when I was 12.

So, I guess I will spend my birthday wallowing in self-pity, and wondering what the fuck I'm doing here without my boy.

1 comment:

KalPDG said...

Muchisimas gracias amiga, como se lo he comentado a varios conocidos, es bueno tener amigos. Yo tambien espero ver a Francisco pronto, lo extraño muchisimo.