I've been sitting here surfing through blogs.
For maybe 2 hours, just surfing and surfing. I keep on surfing, I'm gonna start thinking I should go pro.
But I digress.
As I was saying, I've been surfing for all this time through all these blogs, and I keep returning to the same 7 or 8 blogs. Especially one.
Not that the other blogs I've seen aren't amazingly interesting, they are. It's just that returning to all these familiar blogs is like dropping in on an old friend just to say hi. This friend is never annoyed at the unexpected visit. Quite the contrary, this friend hopes that you will return, and often. And I do.
I'm stuck on these 7 or 8 blogs, because they're comfortable. I like feeling comfortable. But I don't like being stagnant. Stagnance leads to putrefication and that's not a good thing.
I don't want to get stuck in a rut of doing the same things everyday, but what else is one to do?
I just re-read everything I've just written, and for some reason it seems like I'm writing about something else entirely. Is this that damnable evasive subtext rearing its head again?????
Believe me, all I'm doing is trying to flesh my thoughts out. I'm just sitting here and listening to music. Wondering how I can move my life forward in the way I want to.
Do I take a step towards the ledge? Do I have the balls to jump off, not knowing if there's a safety net, not even really caring?
I'd like to ask something of my faithful readers. Comment on this post. Not with how amazingly well written it is ;-) or with how my bitter diatribes keep your attention, but with your own personal experiences. How have you, my faithful reader, moved forward? In what way have you decided to "read more than just the same blogs"?
What was your leap of faith?
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