Friday, August 05, 2005

The Party's over

I had a day off of work yesterday.

Took the day to get stuff ready to send to my son in Uruguay, since my Grandma was going back. So I went to give her my son's gifts and say goodbye to her.

All of a sudden Gabe shows up at my Uncle's place. Obviously he went there to say goodbye to my grandma, but he had some bad news for me.

"Sorry bud, but I have to serve you your eviction notice"


Apparently, because of his injury to his leg a few weeks ago, he's going on medical leave and will only be receiving like 2/3 of his pay. He says that because of this, he's going to go back to the system he had before: his mom buying the food for the house, no more internet connection, so he won't have to pay anything. Therefore I get the boot because he doesn't want to pay for food purchases, or internet usage, which we were sharing.

He then said "That way I'll have some money for partying too"


That kinda pissed me off, but I said "Ok".

He actually hadn't paid for anything yet. The last two times we had gone food shopping, I had paid. And we had the internet connection for less than a month.

Personally it seemed that he wanted to be coddled by his mom again, instead of having to cook for himself, which we had been alternating days since I had gotten there.

So, tonight I'm packing my shit and going back to the insane asylum of my Uncle's place. My grandmother isn't there, so at the very least I won't have to deal with her insanity, but I will have to put up with the weird 70s and hermaphrodite porn that my uncle so loves.

Oh boy.


Anonymous said...

Hope you weren't on a contract for your internet! Cuz ya can't get out of it.
That sucks that he did that to you. Ii'm sure you will survive at your Uncle's!

KalPDG said...

I'm sure I'll survive too. and if the contract can't be cancelled, that's his problem, it's in his name

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, you're so nice! Lol.