Thursday, March 30, 2006

A blast from the past

I got an MSN message today from an unexpected person.

A woman I knew, Alejandra, MSN'd me today. Alejandra and I knew each other about 3 years ago.

My marriage was on severe rocks, I was severely depressed, and she was a good friend. Her marriage was also on the rocks, and I figure I was a form of support for her at that time.

Did we have a romantic relationship? No, not really. We tried having a sexual one, but that didn't work all that well either. So we just stayed friends.

The last time I talked to her was about 2 months before I left Uruguay last year. About a month before that last conversation she admitted to me that she was in love with me, and wanted to pursue a romantic and sexual relationship with me.

At the time I was seriously fucked up in the head because of F. So I turned her down. Then came our last conversation. I wanted her to know that I still considered her a close friend, and she pretty much told me to fuck off. I didn't blame her, but it did hurt.

We hadn't talked at all since I got back, I didn't even have her number, but she was on my MSN list.

Then a message from her appears. We chatted for a while, catching up. And apparently she's still interested in me!

Will this work? Will I even try?

I don't know, but I guess I owe it to myself to try.

The last time I was confused about F, now I'm not confused.

I'm not in a relationship with Betty, at all. She's history. And I have no possibilities with Veronica. So why not?

I think I'll call her tomorrow.

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